Restaurants & Grocery Stores
Retail Food Establishment- means a food establishment that sells to consumer customers food, or food products, intended for preparation or consumption off the premises.
Retail Food Service Establishment- means a food establishment where food is prepared or served for individual portion service intended for consumption on the premises or is subject to Iowa sales tax
“Food establishment” means an operation that stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends or otherwise provides food for human consumption and includes a food service operation in a salvage or distressed food operation, nutrition program operated pursuant to Title III-C of the Older Americans Act, school, summer camp, residential service substance abuse treatment facility, halfway house substance abuse treatment facility, correctional facility operated by the department of corrections, the state training school and the Iowa juvenile home. Assisted living programs and adult day services are included in the definition of food establishment to the extent required by 481—subrules 69.28(6) and 70.28(6). “Food establishment” does not include the following:
- A food processing plant.
- An establishment that offers only prepackaged foods that are not potentially hazardous.
- A produce stand or facility which sells only whole, uncut fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Premises which are a home food processing establishment pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 137D.
- Premises which operate as a farmers market.
- Premises of a residence in which food that is not potentially hazardous is sold for consumption off the premises to a consumer customer, if the food is labeled to identify the name and address of the person preparing the food and the common name of the food. This exception does not apply to resale goods. This exception applies only to sales made from the residence in person and does not include mail order or Internet sales.
- A kitchen in a private home where food is prepared or stored for family consumption or in a bed and breakfast home.
- A private home or private party where a personal chef or hired cook is providing food preparation services to a client and the client’s nonpaying guests.
- A private home that receives catered or home-delivered food.
- Child day care facilities and other food establishments located in hospitals or health care facilities that serve only patients and staff and are subject to inspection by other state agencies or divisions of the department.
- Supply vehicles or vending machine locations.
- Establishments that are exclusively engaged in the processing of meat and poultry and are licensed pursuant to Iowa Code section 189A.3.
- The following premises, provided they are exclusively engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages in a prepackaged form:
- Premises covered by a current Class “A” beer permit, including a Class “A” native beer permit as provided in Iowa Code chapter 123;
- Premises covered by a current Class “A” wine permit, including a Class “A” native wine permit as provided in Iowa Code chapter 123; and
- Premises of a manufacturer of distilled spirits under Iowa Code chapter 123.
- Premises or operations that are exclusively engaged in the processing of milk and milk products, are regulated by Iowa Code section 192.107, and have a milk or milk products permit issued by the department of agriculture and land stewardship.
- Premises or operations that are exclusively engaged in the production of shell eggs, are regulated by Iowa Code section 196.3, and have an egg handler’s license.
- The premises of a residence in which honey is stored; prepared; packaged, including by placement in a container; or labeled or from which honey is distributed.
- Premises regularly used by a nonprofit organization which engages in the serving of food on the premises as long as the nonprofit organization does not exceed the following restrictions:
- The nonprofit organization serves food no more than one day per calendar week and not on two or more consecutive days;
- Twice per year, the nonprofit organization may serve food to the public for up to three consecutive days; and
- The nonprofit organization may use the premises of another nonprofit organization not more than twice per year for one day to serve food.
Click on the Tabs above for additional information on:
Laws and Regulations
• Iowa Food Code and FDA Food Codes
Basic Requirements
• Information on the basic requirements of operating a Food Establishment in the State of Iowa
• Retail Food Service Establishment license application
Food Manager Resources
• Guidance documents for running your Food Establishment
Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) Requirements
HACCP/Special Processes Requirements
Laws & Regulations
Resources – Iowa Law
Resources – Iowa Administrative Rules
- Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481–30, “Food and Consumer Safety”
- Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481–31, “Food Establishment and Food Processing Plant Inspections”
Food Code
Basic Requirements
- Basic Requirements for Food Establishments
- 2017 FDA Food Code
- Responsibilities of the Permit Holder
- Retail Food Establishment Plan Review Guidance
- Iowa Sales Tax on Food
- Guidelines for Shared Kitchens
Emergency Guidance for Food Establishments
Additional Information and Resources (Also see Food Manager Resource tab above)
- Food Stands Operated by a Minor
- Guidelines for School Concession Stands
- Non-profit Organization Licensing Chart
- Fact Sheet for Businesses Filling Growlers
- Fish Processing (including Aquaculture)
- Safe Mushroom Foraging Guide
- Also see Food Manager Resources tab above
Food Safety in Foreign Languages
- Retail Food Protection Industry Educational Materials
- Five Keys to Safer Food Manual
- Food safety videos in English, Spanish, and Chinese can be viewed HERE.
- Completed license applications and documents must be submitted to the appropriate Regulatory Authority at least 30 days prior to the anticipated opening date.
- A separate license must be applied for at each location where food production, sales or service take place.
- A license is non-transferable between locations or ownership.
- Once the application, other required documents and fees are received and processed, the Department will review the documents. Once the application is processed the applicant will be mailed or e-mailed the assigned inspector’s contact information. The applicant is responsible for contacting the inspector to schedule a pre-operational inspection.
- Plan submission is required; the Department will review the plans and communicate the results of the plan review to the applicant. Plan reviews generally take 3 to 4 weeks. It would be beneficial to submit the application prior to beginning construction, remodeling, or alteration of a facility. There is no fee for plan review. Please note, failure to provide all required information could delay plan approval. If you are remodeling a licensed facility already owned by you, submit plans only and notify your inspector.
- Operating without an approved license and inspection may result in penalty fees of double the amount of the annual license fee.
Only individuals who will be operating a food establishment under the jurisdiction of the Department of Inspections and Appeals (DIA) should submit their license application and corresponding fee(s) to DIA at the address below. All other applicants should mail their license application and fees to their local regulatory authority.
- Apply for your License Online
- Department of Inspections and Appeals Food Establishment License Application (print and mail)
For information on License Application Fee Refunds click here: IAC 481.30.3(2)
If your food establishment is licensed and inspected by the DIA’s Food and Consumer Safety Bureau, send your application and fee(s) to the address below:
Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
Food & Consumer Safety Bureau
Lucas State Office Building
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0083
Food Manager Resources
This page contains food safety guidance documents that are associated with a routine inspection in a retail food establishment.
- The guidance documents below are categorized the same way as an inspection report.
- Several documents are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
- Food safety videos in English, Spanish, and Chinese can be viewed HERE.
Food Safety and Inspection Guidance Documents
2017 FDA Food Code and Annex
- 2017 FDA Food Code and Annex
- 01 Person in Charge, Demonstration of Knowledge, Duties
- 01 Food Allergens Poster
- 01 Hygiene, Time Temp Control Poster
- 02 Certified Food Protection Manager
- 02 CFPM Required Flow Chart
Employee Health
- 03 Employee Health Reporting Agreement English
- 03 Report these FBI Symptoms Poster w/ Spanish
- 03 Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Handbook
- 03 Employee Health Reporting Agreement Chinese
- 03 Employee Health Reporting Agreement Spanish
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health I should have stayed Home English
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health I should have stayed Home Chinese
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health I should have stayed Home Spanish
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health Illness Outbreak English
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health Illness Outbreak Chinese
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health Illness Outbreak Spanish
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health Sick Employees English
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health Sick Employees Chinese
- 03 Oral Culture Employee Health Sick Employees Spanish
- 04 Proper Use of Restriction and Exclusion
- 04 Exclude Restrict Decision Guide
- 04 Exclude Restrict Ill Worker Flow Chart Poster
- 05 Procedures for responding to vomit and diarrheal events
- 05 DIA Full Facility Norovirus Cleaning Reference Document for Food Establishments
- 05 Norovirus Cleanup Poster
- 05 Norovirus Cleanup Poster Chinese
- 05 Norovirus Cleanup Poster Spanish
Control of Hands As Vehicle of Contamination
- 08 Hands Clean and Properly Washed
- 08 Hands Clean and Properly Washed Poster
- 09 No Bare Hand Contact With RTE Foods
- 09 Oral Culture Glove Use English
- 09 Oral Culture Glove Use Chinese
- 09 Oral Culture Glove Use Spanish
- 10 Hand washing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- 10 Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning To Work
- 10 Hand Sink Only Sign
Approved Source
- 11 Foods Obtained from Approved Source
- 11 Molluscan Shellfish Handout
- 11 Wild Mushrooms
- 12 Food Received at Proper Temperature
- 13 Food in Good Condition Safe and Unadulterated
- 14 Parasite Destruction Requirements
Protection from Contamination
- 15 Food Separated and Protected English
- 15 Food Separated and Protected Poster
- 15 Food Separated and Protected Spanish
- 16 Food Contact Surfaces Cleaned and Sanitized
- 16 Mechanical Warewashing
- 16 Triple Sink Method
- 17 Return and Re-Service of Food
PHF Time/Temperature Control for Safety
- 18 Proper Cooking Time and Temperature
- 18 Cook Temperature Guide w/Celsius Poster
- 18 Cooking Temperatures Poster
- 18 Non-continuous Cooking
- 18 Proper Cooking Whole Meat Roasts
- 19 Proper Reheating For Hot Holding
- 19 Proper Reheat for Hot Holding Poster
- 20 Proper Cooling Time and Temperature
- 20 Two Stage Cooling Poster
- 20 Oral Culture Cooling English
- 20 Oral Culture Cooling Chinese
- 20 Oral Culture Cooling Spanish
- 21 Proper Hot Holding Temperatures
- 21 Oral Culture Hot Holding English
- 21 Oral Culture Hot Holding Chinese
- 21 Oral Culture Hot Holding Spanish
- 22 Proper Cold Holding Temperatures
- 23 Proper Date Marking and Disposition
- 23 Temperature Control For Safety Definition
- 23 Temperature Control for Safety Poster
- 24 Time as a Public Health Control
Consumer Advisory
Highly Susceptible Populations
Food/Color Additives and Toxic Substances
Conformance With Approved Procedures
Good Retail Practices
What is the Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) requirement?
- FDA Food Code 2-102.12 requires that the Person in Charge of a Food Establishment be a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an accredited program.
Code 2-102.12(A) does not apply to certain types of Food Establishments deemed by the REGULATORY AUTHORITY to pose minimal risk of causing, or contributing to, foodborne illness based on the nature of the operation and extent of FOOD preparation.
- Iowa exceptions to this Code are found in IAC 481-31.1(2)
Additional information regarding CFPM exceptions:
A “Variance” is required, and should be requested, when the Retail Food Establishment has a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that does not meet the requirements of the Iowa Food Code or FDA Food Code
An “Approved Variance” is a written document issued by the Regulatory Authority that authorizes a modification or a waiver of one or more requirements of the Iowa Food Code or FDA Food Code.
Request a Variance for a Specialized Food Process
Request a Variance for a Facility Issue
Specialized Food Processes- HACCP
The following document outlines the 2017 FDA Food Code requirements regarding food produced in Retail Food Establishments using special processes such as curing, smoking for preservation, acidification, reduced oxygen packaging, sprouting seeds, etc.
- Retail Requirements for Specialized Food Processes
- Required Contents of a HACCP Plan
Blank HACCP Forms
- Product Flow Chart
- Hazard Analysis
- Hazard Analysis Example
- HACCP Plan CCP Summary
- HACCP Plan CCP Summary Example
- Corrective Action Log
- Receiving Log
- Cooking Temperature Log
- Cooling Temperature Log
- Equipment Temperature Log
- Thermometer Calibration Log
- Employee Training Log
- Retail Food Establishment Guidance for Developing a HACCP Plan